Poēsis Experience Hotel

Made out of Nothing

Poēsis Experience Hotel was born from the desire to create a place where travel becomes the Experience that remains forever. In the heart of the Eternal City a new hospitality project was born. Just as the words of a Poetry synchronise with the notes of a Music, we have put together every detail.


Through paths of light, art, refined design and elegance, we have created a new place while keeping the original identity and flavour of the Palace intact.
Designing through the geometric perfection of proportions, we have used precious and refined materials, modern and fine fabrics, and inserted objects conceived by the best designers. While keeping the historical identity intact, there has been no lack of modern vision, and with the help of the most advanced technology, each guest's journey will be guided by the sole desire to discover and enjoy the wonders of Rome, nourishing the feeling of returning eternally home.

Welcome to Poēsis Experience Hotel!

Geometrical and artistic shapes accompany guests throughout the building, immersing them in a journey of history and art, passion and creativity like Rome itself.

Poetry is our inspiration that, like a red thread, leads the guest on an emotional journey that brings out the romanticism of this unique and special place through words and feelings. Each room has as refrain that set of words that bring out and strengthen its identity. The charm of the wooden ceiling and the paths created by the soft lighting make the ambience warm and comfortable. All crowned by a warm welcome from our family.


Our vision of hospitality is to make you experience unforgettable emotions in a harmonious environment, where ancient and modern converge towards beauty.



Info & Contact

Poesis Experience Hotel

Via di Gesù e Maria, 20,
00187 Roma RM

Write to us for information

Lago indaga il design in modo sistemico, producendo non solamente singoli prodotti ma anche una serie di sistemi modulari versatili e integrabili tra loro con cui arredare tutti gli ambienti della casa e dagli spazi che gravitano oltre il confine dell’ambito domestico. Ogni arredo che esce dalla Lago Fabbrica viene realizzato con grande attenzione alla qualità e alla durevolezza dei materiali, coniugando in ogni singolo pezzo l’affidabilità di processi industriali e la dedizione di una cura artigianale. La forza degli arredi Lago sta nella semplicità, grazie alla pulizia di forme e di linguaggio, alla modularità ed alla mimesi architettonica. Visita il sito ufficiale